Fora Office Space in London

Moving Office Space in the New Year: When is the Right Time to Start?

Moving Office Space in the New Year: When is the Right Time to Start?

As we approach the end of the year, it's crucial for businesses to consider their office space needs well before the New Year begins. The London office market can be particularly challenging after the holiday season, making it essential to start your search now. Whether you're looking for private offices, coworking space, or serviced offices, timing is critical. It's vital that you find the right office for your team, and we're here to outline why it's so important to kickstart your search sooner rather than later.

When is the right time to initiate the search for a new London office space?

The optimal time to begin your search for new London office space is now, before the New Year arrives. Waiting until January or later can lead to many limitations like significantly less office space options and increased costs. An office space broker can be invaluable during this time, helping you navigate the London office market ahead of the holiday period. Starting your search before the new year ensures you have the best selection of office space London solutions.

Desks and computers in an office space in London

How to know if it’s time to start searching for a new London office space

There are many indications that it is time to start the search for new office space before the New Year. Whether your lease is expiring or you just know it's time for your team to move to a fresh office space, ensure you've weighed up the reasons as to why. So before you get started on that office space move checklist, be sure to consider the the following:

Office space lease expiry

If your lease is set to expire in the coming year, it's crucial to start your London office space search immediately, rather than later. Delaying your office search until January can leave you with fewer options and typically higher rates. An office broker can help you understand the current market conditions and explore a range of alternatives like serviced offices to managed office spaces depending on your requirements.

Your business is outgrowing your office space

If you're feeling cramped in your current office space, don't wait until the New year to start looking. A cramped office can lead to decreased productivity, and lower job satisfaction amongst your team. By proactively seeking a larger office space, you're investing in your team's comfort, wellbeing, and overall happiness. An office space broker can help you identify and secure prime locations before the competitive January market kicks in.

Person on a laptop searching for office space in London.

Office space relocation

For businesses planning a strategic move, initiating your search before the New Year is critical. Whether you're moving to a space that offers pet friendly policies or has more amenities such as a gym, event space, more meeting rooms or outdoor areas, we are here to help. Our team of office brokers can help you identify emerging areas in London and secure deals before the post-holiday rush drives up prices and reduces availability.

Long-term office space expansion plans

If you're planning to upscale your company, you should start planning for future office space needs now, rather than waiting for the New Year. Serviced office space providers like Fora and WeWork offer expansion and downsize options for changing business needs by moving them into different private offices within their buildings.

Consequences of leaving your London office space search to the last minute

Delaying your office space search until the New Year can lead to many different consequences. The post-holiday period typically sees increased demand and reduced availability, potentially forcing you to settle for a suboptimal space or pay inflated rates. You may miss out on prime locations or fail to negotiate favourable terms as providers often become less flexible in a more competitive market. By starting your search now, with the help of a knowledgeable office broker, you can avoid these New Year pitfalls and avoid a stressful holiday period.

Communal area in an office space in London.

Benefits of speaking with Found today about your London office space search

Our team of office space brokers are here to help before the New Year rush. Our team of office brokers in London offer extensive office market expertise that can help you capitalise on end-of-year opportunities. Whether you're interested in private offices, coworking space, or serviced offices, we provide tailored recommendations based on your specific needs to help you find your dream office.

If you’re currently in the process of kick starting your office space search, try our free office space calculator to get an idea on pricing for your requirements.


Starting your search before the New Year is crucial because it gives you access to a wider selection of office space options, lower costs, and more flexibility in negotiations. Waiting until January or later can lead to limitations in choices and increased competition in the office space market.

Key indicators include an approaching lease expiry, outgrowing your current office space, wanting to relocate, and long-term expansion projections. If any of these apply to your business, it's advisable to begin your office space search promptly.

Delaying your search can result in fewer available options, higher rates, missing out on prime locations, and less room for negotiation. The post-holiday period typically sees increased demand and reduced availability, which can force businesses to settle for suboptimal spaces or pay inflated prices.

Our team of expert office space brokers can provide valuable assistance by offering tailored recommendations based on your specific needs and budget. We can help you navigate the London office market, identify emerging areas, secure favourable deals before the post-holiday rush, and develop long-term strategies for your office space needs.

Get started with your office space search for the New Year now!
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